di Todd Widom

… As I have discussed in previous articles, there is a lack of knowledge with American tennis players at all levels, as to how well they understand the game and how well they understand their own game. These players have been working on their techniques for years and have been fed balls as training. Some of these players may look good, yet they struggle to compete, and have great difficulty in constructing points properly, which hurts their tennis careers drastically.
We have seen players that we think are good because they look good when they strike a tennis ball, but when they play a match or tournament, they end up being inferior players. Part of the development of becoming the best tennis player you can be is by studying other players and how they construct points, and why they hit certain shots at certain times. Studying tennis is an art and anticipating where the ball is going to be hit takes experience and knowledge about the game. …
Fonte: Tennisconsult.com